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Merchant Program: TabTimer Reminders  View More Information About The Program
Description: TabTimer supplies reminder devices; Pill Timers, Pill Box Reminders, Pill Dispensers, Vibrating Watches & Clocks (Bed Shakers), Talking Watches & Clocks, Orientation Clocks and watches for the deaf and hard of hearing to help keep medications on time at tab time. Tab Timer products can be used as reminders for taking regular medications or vitamins at tab time, as well as a reminder for any regular task.

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(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_Txt_Long
TabTimer Reminders - helping to keep people on-time
TabTimer is an Australian Company dedicated to supplying devices to help people and their carers keep medicines, nutrition, hydration, toileting and regular personal care tasks on time.
Timers | Pill Boxes | Pill Dispensers | Vibrating Watches | Vibrating Clocks
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(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_468x60
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_Txt_Med
TabTimer Reminders - helping to keep people on-time
Supplying devices to help keep medicines, nutrition, hydration, toileting and regular personal care tasks on-time.
Timers | Pill Boxes | Pill Dispensers | Vibrating Watches | Vibrating Clocks
Visit TabTimer website
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_468x60_anim
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_Txt_Short
TabTimer Reminders - helping to keep people on-time
Timers | Pill Boxes | Pill Dispensers | Vibrating Watches | Vibrating Clocks
Visit TabTimer website
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_250x250
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_250x250anim
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer 150x38
(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleText Banner
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(AU$) 5.00% Per SaleTabTimer_150x38_anim

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