At clixGalore Affiliate Marketing we offer five scaled levels of program promotion and Affiliate recruitment services to our Merchants.

By reviewing the chart below you will find a suitable promotions package that matches your budget, Affiliate recruitment and promotional service level needs.

Each package scales promotional services which are suitable for small to corporate business and provide varying levels of dedicated proactive Affiliate recruitment, program promotion and personal management of your affiliate program.

The Instant Traffic Pool is a 'cost per click' promotional service designed specifically for Merchants seeking immediate made traffic at budget pricing. Using a Pre-Approved/Preferred pool of Affiliates, demographically controlled quality traffic is sent to your website. Like all clixGalore Affiliate Marketing programs, you can strictly control spending limits and monitor your programs growth and performance using the full suite of online monitoring tools and reports provided. (The minimum CPC rate is 10c per click.)

Promoted In New Merchant Program Listings Throughout Network
Dedicated Affiliate Recruitment Services & Promotions Management:    
Daily Affiliate Recruitment Service and Program Promotion, with premium position. Your Merchant program details are proactively matched against the Affiliate members (including Super Affiliates) in our network. Using our technology, when appropriate Affiliates are identified a proactive attempt is made to contact and recruit these Affiliate members to your Merchant program.
Weekly Affiliate Recruitment Service and Program Promotion. Your Merchant program details are proactively matched against the Affiliate members (including Super Affiliates) in our network. Using our technology, when appropriate Affiliates are identified a proactive attempt is made to contact and recruit these Affiliate members to your Merchant program.
Promotion in the next clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Monthly newsletter, following program activation, with premium positioning, ranked by membership status.
Submit Your Own Affiliate Recruitment Requests. You may submit up to two hundred Affiliate recruitment requests that contain details of potential websites/Affiliates that you may have identified and would like to be recruited to your Merchant program. Our Promotions Team will proactively attempt to contact and recruit these potential websites/Affiliates to your program.
Dedicated Operational Program Management. You may request to have the day to day 'hands on' tasks associated with running your program performed by clixGalore Affiliate Marketing. We would take care of tasks that include: processing the Affiliate requests to join your program; updating and maintaining your program details; uploading submitted product datafeeds and sending correspondence to Affiliates regarding campaign updates in accordance with your instructions.        
Full Affiliate Program Control  
Full Affilate promotion control. You can approve and decline Affiliate promotion requests at any time.
Full country specific geo-traffic and category filtering control. You can control the source of all traffic sent to your website by country and or by the Affiliates website industry category.
Product Datafeed/Catalog Upload and Auto Upload Scheduling: clixGalore Affiliate Marketing fully support the use of product datafeeds and catalogs. You can easily upload all your products or add products individually to your Merchant program. These datafeeds can then be used by your Affiliates to drive customers directly to your specific product pages on your website. To keep datafeeds current and fresh, clixGalore Affiliate Marketing also provides you features to schedule the automatic upload of your datafeed from your server to the clixGalore Affiliate Marketing servers at times of your choice.
Set & Pay Different Commission Rates On The Different Products and/or Services Sold From Our Website.      
Automatic Anti-Fraud Filtering of All Program Traffic
Online Program Performance Statistical Reporting
Weekly Program Performance (Statistical) Report - Emailed To You
Customise Affiliate Signup Pages: You may customise the Affiliate signup pages to the look, style and brand of your website.    
clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Featured Merchant      
Promotion of Your Program in the clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Program Showcase      
Promotion Of Your Program In Featured Merchants Section On Search Results Page    
Promotion of Your Program in clixGalore's Affiliate Program Search      
Promotion and Submission of Your Program to Affiliate Directories on the Internet      
Promotion of Your Program in the clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Newsletter    
Promotion and Submission of Your Program to the Major Search Engines      
Premium Online Program Performance Statistical Reporting      
Premium Online Program Performance Graphical Reporting      
Your Affiliate Program Listed in Affiliates Search Database
Complimentary Shopping Cart Integration Setup Service. If you require assistance with integrating your shopping cart or store with clixGalore Affiliate Marketing, we provide a complimentary, NO COST setup advice service. Simply ask a Customer Care representative to assist you. They will either set it up or provide the instructions. clixGalore Affiliate Marketing is compatible with 99% of all shopping carts and stores.
24hr Telephone / Email Enquiry Support Line
Account Starting Balance - (This amount used to pay affiliates) 105 175 230 290 575
Yearly Promotion Services Fee 0 0 635 865 1715
Total 105 175 865 1155 2290
Account Starting Balance - (This amount used to pay affiliates) 90 150 200 250 500
Yearly Promotion Services Fee 0 0 750 950 1690
Total 90 150 950 1200 2190
Account Starting Balance - (This amount used to pay affiliates) 35 55 70 90 180
Yearly Promotion Services Fee 0 0 195 265 520
Total 35 55 265 355 700
Account Starting Balance - (This amount used to pay affiliates) 55 75 100 125 250
Yearly Promotion Services Fee 0 0 275 375 745
Total 55 75 375 500 995
Account Starting Balance - (This amount used to pay affiliates) 55 90 115 150 295
Yearly Promotion Services Fee 0 0 320 435 865
Total 55 90 435 585 1160

clixGalore Affiliate Marketing is a large affiliate network comprising of over 9500+ Merchants and many ten of thousands of Affiliates across our five networks in the USA, UK, Japan, Australia and India: , , , and clixGalore Affiliate Marketing is a global provider of 'pay for performance' internet advertising solutions for online business Merchants. This year we anticipate to serve over 3.5 billion advertisments and drive over 80 million potential customers to our Merchant's websites. clixGalore Affiliate Marketing drives customers and traffic based on the 'pay for performance' pricing model. This means that Merchants pay only when a person makes a purchase, completes a lead form or clicks on a banner. This flexibility provides Merchants with a cost effective promotions model to attract targeted, high quality customers. For Merchants seeking trackable results, clixGalore Affiliate Marketing is a internet advertising provider that delivers cost effective solutions using a combination of 'pay for performance' pricing and advanced targeting capabilities.

For Merchants seeking trackable results, clixGalore Affiliate Marketing provides comprehensive management and advanced graphic reporting tools, coupled with state of the art tracking technology that allows you to take full control of your program whilst it rapidly grows with little or no maintenance.

Below are examples of some of the 'real time' 3D graphic reports provided for the performance analysis and management of your program (Please note the images have been reduced in size by 50%).

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